Walk With Me curriculum is being discontinued on June 30, 2018.Click here to learn about the transition to Dwell.

About Walk With Me

Values & Goals

The philosophy behind a curriculum really does make a BIG difference. Here’s a summary of the values and goals Walk With Me was built on.

Biblical and Reformed

Faith Alive’s deeply biblical view of the lordship of Christ and our role as God’s covenant people are very evident in this curriculum. We believe that every story in the Bible tells us about God and that every story must be understood as part of God’s big salvation plan. We aim to be faithful to Scripture as we encourage kids and leaders to grow as children of God.


Kids learn in a variety of ways (click here for a list of eight different learning styles). Because Walk With Me is designed for all God’s children, the activities appeal to many different learning styles. The sessions have also been carefully designed to reflect the age level and the life experience of today’s kids. For age-level characteristics click here (PDF).


Every session is laid out in four steps, each with a goal, a time estimate, and a list of materials:

We’ve included plenty of options to make it easier for teachers to “fit” the activities to their kids—and tips and suggestions for shortening or lengthening the session. Click here to walk through a lesson.

Grows Faith

Walk With Me sessions guide children to ask, “What does God’s Word mean for me now—today—and how should I act on it?” Leaders are encouraged to model faith for the children in their groups—and also to learn from the faith children model for them. Read about a leader's role in leading children to Jesus (PDF).

Builds Community

Walk With Me encourages leaders and children to become a small group together—to care for each other, to help each other learn and grow, and to have fun together. In each small group in your program, everyone should feel accepted, loved, and safe.

Celebrates Diversity

We place a strong value on recognizing and celebrating the diversity of God’s family. Kids are challenged often to see truths and hear stories in ways that may be new to them—and through their learning to grow in a love of and appreciation for all parts of God’s family.


Children learn best when sessions are fun and active. Walk With Me sessions include lots of games, drama, music, and other fun activities that will keep the children in your program eager to come back for more.

Faith Alive Curriculum
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